Coasting or Growing
We humans have BIG dreams and aspirations. We have visions for a brighter future, but settling for comfort is so much easier. But growth is in our nature (physically, mentally and emotionally). So take steps to GROW today #growth #inspiration
We humans can be a bit lazy…
I’m not pointing fingers, (or maybe I am, but I also appreciate the fact that when I point at someone else, there are other fingers pointing right back at myself).
We have BIG dreams and aspirations. We have visions for a brighter future, but when it comes down to it, setting for what we have now, or even more so WHO WE ARE right now, is so much easier than taking the necessary steps (OVER AND OVER AGAIN, CONSITENTLY) to move toward that brighter future. So we choose to settle. We choose to stay right where we are.
And where we are/who we are could be (and more than likely both are) wonderful.
So why should we get uncomfortable, why choose to change/grow?
Life is more exciting and fulfilling when we are growing (Too often, that growth can be physically outward, from us choosing to remain fully comfortable... on our couch watching tv, but that's not the type of growth I am talking about). Tony Robbins defines 6 basic needs for humans. He defines these as: connection/love, variety, significance, certainty, growth and contribution. Obviously since growth is one of them it is important. However, if you look at the other needs, growth is a component of many of them. We want to feel like we are making a difference in the world or at least in the lives of those we care about. We can do that by being authentic and being who we are, but we can increase that impact by becoming MORE.
Happy now, with big dreams of the future.
Vishen Lakhiani (founder of MindValley) discusses the paradox of intention (follow the link for a great video). He describes this as being happy in the now, with big dreams for the future. It is vitally important to be happy with who we are AND also have a desire to grow into more. To become an even better version of ourselves, for the sake of others, and yes, for the sake of our own sense of fulfillment. It is supremely healthy to love who we are now. It is also wonderful if we want to grow into more as well. As we grow older, hopefully who we are grows too.
So today, take a step or two away from the comfort of settling. Smile and be thankful for who you are right now and where you are right now.
Then, think about where you want to GROW and take at least one tiny step in that direction.
I promise you will feel so much better in doing so. And if you want to take another step on your growth journey (for you or a loved one), consider booking a chiropractic visit with us. It will help you physically, mentally and emotionally as well!
-Have an amazing day!-Dr. Joel Lindeman